The Play

The amazing ending of the 1982 UC Berkeley vs. Stanford Big Game has come to be known as 'The Play'.  Cal was down by a point, with time expired in the 4th quarter but the play already in progress.  It appeared that the ball carrier was down, and the game over, so the Stanford band began to move onto the field in celebration of victory.  However, a lateral or two later, the Cal runner who ended up with the ball made his way through the crowd of Stanford band members and wound his way into the endzone!

Now you can hear an audio recording of the final few minutes of that game.  Joe Starky, broadcaster for San Francisco radio station KGO, nearly went crazy calling the play.  Also, you may retrieve a sound movie of most of that last game minute.

Audio (.mp3) 1.9MB     Video (.mp4) 20MB

Last updated by Mike Friedman, Tue Jun 23 17:03:20 PDT 2020